South Danby Road west on the FLT, Danby SF
Meet-up: South Danby Road just south of the junction with Fisher Settlement Road, about 1.3 miles south of Route 96B.
Click here to see the Google Maps page showing the location of the meet-up .
Click here and scroll down to see a topo map of this trail section (red trail on the right hand side of the map) – you can see where the blue-marked Abbott Loop starts just west of Curtis Road.
Paper or digital maps of the Finger Lakes Trail may be purchased from the Finger Lakes Trail Conference at:
About Finger Lakes Trail Maps and GPS data
Map sheet M17 depicts the sections of the FLT in this hike description.
This walk takes us through extensive pine woods, some of it planted in rows plantation-style. For those like me who enjoy walking under pine trees, it’s extremely pleasing. The walk is moderately strenuous. After a while we come to the spot where the Abbott Loop begins – we can either walk on this for a while, or stay on the FLT, cross over a swamp on several very narrow plank bridges, and make our way over to Hill Road. Part of this trail can be muddy. We cross one stream just east of Curtis Road coming and going that’s more attractive than average.
This walk is particularly fun when it’s gloomy and threatening out, because of the dark atmospherics created by the pines.
Last edit 07/2022 JFR