
We hike three times per week:

Wednesdays …… 9:30  –  11:30

Saturdays ………. 9:30  –  11:30

Sundays …………. 9:40  –  11:40

Hikes start promptly at the above listed times. Please be courteous to other hikers and arrive at the trailhead early enough that you are prepared to begin the hike at the listed times.

Additional hikes outside of the regular hike days above include occasional “farther away” hikes in summer months (in which we visit hike locations outside of the immediate Ithaca area) and special holiday or winter hikes. Announcements for these hikes will be sent to the membership via our established email list or through our Meetup page.

Informal:  No rules  •    No dues or membership lists

Plus:  No jockeying of cars  •  All ages welcome  •  Dogs welcome


More hike photos

The hikers  —  who’s who

  • Current hikers.  Photos and names of the hikers who became active on the trail after the pandemic ended.  Coming before too long
  • The core group  –  2012 to 2019, until just before the pandemic hit.  Hows to access these photos:  The page has more than 130 photos on it, but only the first 99-100  usually display initially.  To view the rest, click the last thumbnail that’s displayed.  You will get a large high-res version pop-up.  Then go back one step  —  return to the full array.  The remaining 30+ photos will have loaded and can be viewed.  To read the person’s name, click on the thumbnail to activate the high-res pop-up.  Click here. 
  • The early hikers  –  2004 to 2012. Click here

Action photos from various hikes between late 2009 and late 2016. Click here


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