hike #23

The FLT in Danby State Forest to the Tamarack Lean-to: Two hikes

We have two hikes on the FLT in Danby State Forest with the Tamarack lean-to as our hiking destination.

Hike # 1

Primary Meet-up:  South Danby Road just south of the junction with Fisher Settlement Road, about 1.3 miles south of Route 96B.

Alternate Meet-Up: Sometimes we meet on Fisher Settlement Rd, where the FLT crosses. The meeting location will be specified in the hike announcement.

Click here to see the Google Maps page showing the approximate location of the primary meet-up location.

This is one of the group’s favorite hikes – and one of our easiest. It’s a fabulous trail for people who love pine trees and hemlocks. The trees were planted here in great abundance, and they create a wonderful effect in all kinds of weather, from bright sun to the deepest gloom. The trail zigzags through the trees, which stretch away in rows with a great geometric effect.

Just before we turn around there’s a lovely lean-to and an outhouse in a tamarack grove; just beyond that is a spring in a beautiful glade where you can drink the water – if you’re bold enough.

Click here and scroll down to see a topo map of this trail section; if you’re into topo maps, you can see there’s some up and down action but it’s gradual and pretty minor.

More information on this hike may be found at:

FLT to Tamarack Lean-To | Trails Less Traveled | Central NY (trailslesstraveledny.org)

Hike # 2

Meet at the junction of State Route 96B and Durfee Hill Rd; parking along the shoulder on Durfee Hill Rd. Do NOT try to reach this intersection by coming down Durfee Hill Rd! The upper end of Durfee Hill Rd is washed out and impassible for most vehicles. Only use State Route 96B to reach the intersection!

Danby Rd & Durfee Hill Rd – Google Maps

Crossing State Route 96B the FLT passes along a body of water and through a section of evergreens where the moss on the ground and trees glows a brilliant green in what is often a gloomy and atmospheric stretch of trail.

The FLT soon begins a sharp upward climb with few switchbacks or level stretches before it arrives at the Tamarack lean-to. When coming from this direction we often make a short visit to the lean-to and then continue on the FLT until its time to turn-around. The sharp descent on the return leg ensures a faster return hike, so plan accordingly and turn around during the hike later than you might normally for one of our out-and-back hikes.

Last edit 02/2023 JFR