Report to Hikers August 7 – August 13

Wednesday August 9

Bob Cameron Loop, Connecticut Hill

Hike report and photo by Jim

Eight hikers met at the end of Tower Road on Connecticut Hill for a hike of the Bob Cameron Loop, with part of the Finger Lakes Trail included at the end as time filler.

Trail conditions on the Cameron Loop were good, with no blowdowns and very little mud encountered. This is always a concern, especially on the  downhill portions.

A minimal amount of water flowed in the streams, but considering that it’s August we often see nothing in the streams this time of year.

Temperatures were warm, bugs were at a minimum, and the humidity, while noticeable, wasn’t as oppressive as it can be this time of year.

Hikers completed the loop with about 30 minutes to spare, so we crossed Tower Road and continued hiking on the FLT in a quick out-and-back to use up the remaining time.

Saturday August 12

Buttermilk Falls State Park, Ithaca

Hike report by Jim

Twenty-three hikers and a dog hiked into Buttermilk Falls State Park from Yaple Road. We made it to and from the La Tourelle trail before the rain started falling heavily. The remainder of planned route around Treman Lake and the Bear Trail was cancelled, and we returned to our cars.

About half of the hikers left the hike after reaching Yaple Road. The rest followed Casey toward the back trail entrance off Comfort Road to use up the remaining hike time once the skies cleared.

Welcome to new hikers Misa, Josh, Steve, and Nina on their first hike with the group!

Photo by Jim

Photos by Leigh Ann

View Leigh Ann’s photo album.

Sunday August 13

Logan Hill Nature Preserve, Candor

Hike report by Leigh Ann

Seventeen humans and one dog hiked the yellow trail on Logan Hill this morning. Most met at the Candor High School parking lot, and one hiker met the rest of the group after driving up the gnarly, extremely rutty and rocky seasonal road to the top and finally finding a place to park. This road is a fine, steep hike but not a fun drive in a car – and once you’ve started the seasonal part in a car, you’re committed.

The trail, but not the fields, had been trimmed since last Saturday, so wildflowers were everywhere. A little later in the season, the fields get mowed. The trail itself was not muddy, but it was clear that there had been a lot of rain the previous day. There were many, many mushrooms and amphibians (efts and tiny toads) on and beside the trail.

The weather was big, puffy, dark clouds against blue sky, so the hike was in sun and shadow the whole way. This is a good time of year to do this hike.

Photos by Leigh Ann

Photos by Jim