Hello Hikers! hope you’re all doing OK

The county’s starting to open up, and we’re allowed to hike with as many as 50 people now. But not many of those in our active hikers group are ready to start mingling widely yet, so we’re going to hold off opening our hikes to the public for now. We’re concerned the arrival of the college students could lead to new Covid cases, so we want to wait and see.

That’s not to say we’ve just been sitting around waiting for the pandemic to end. Some of our active hikers have been hiking three times a week since April, and now I’m going to start posting a weekly report on those hikes. This will give you some idea of what we’re up to.

Meanwhile, I want to mention a change in our group. After coordinating the group’s activities for 16 years, Tiger and I have stepped down. Four of our most active regular hikers have stepped up to take over coordinating, and we’re hoping several other people will get involved too. Tiger and I have faded into the deep background. I’ll continue to put hike-related material up on this web site but I’ll just be functioning as a data-entry person. The new coordinators will be preparing all the material.

Tiger and I have loved coordinating this group since 2004. We’ve met a large number of interesting people we never would have met otherwise, and we’ve gotten familiar with the beautiful rural countryside outside of town. But I’ve been having problems with my balance and eyesight ever since I fell down onto my head two years ago and got a concussion. I’ve been recovering slowly, but I can’t keep up with the group any more much of the time. Our group’s new coordinators are all full of enthusiasm and energy. I’m confident they’ll be running some very exciting hikes for you.