Hello Hikers!
Wed Nov 3
Hike report by Jim
Ridgeway Road to White Church Road and beyond, Caroline
13 hikers and 3 dogs met on Ridgeway Rd for a hike of the FLT towards White Church Rd and beyond.
It was a cool morning as we met at the parking area. The first frost of the season is expected to arrive in the next night or two, so this was a really nice seasonally transitional day to be on the trail.
The sign that advised of the trail beyond the parking area being closed that used to be on a near-by tree was missing, so I took a chance and took the group through the woods rather than road walk to the trail crossing at the bottom of the hill. I always prefer using trails over road walk alternatives.
It was a pleasant walk through the pines and meadows between the parking area and the long flat stretch that runs through the old railroad right-of-way. Those types of trail environments are always appealing to me
There were a few short stretches of wet and muddy trail in the first section of trail. After reaching the bog the group found that to still be quite impassible, but a quick detour put the group onto the rail bed section of the Trail as it runs along Wilseyville Creek.
The open fields before White Church Rd were a little overgrown but nothing too difficult to pass through. Recent rains still clung to the grasses, so everyone’s pants were well-soaked by this point in the hike.
Reaching White Church Rd the group paused before pressing forward.
The Trail between White Church Rd and the base of the mountain ( Sorry, I’ve never figured out the actual name for this peak ) had quite a few very wet trail sections, to the extent that some members of the group turned around early rather than traverse through the wet trail sections.
The sun playing over the multi-colored tree leaves on the hillside was very attractive; I stopped to take a few pictures to try to capture the scene, but the pictures as is often the case did not do the scene proper justice.
Passing over the final streams before the mountain we found the water levels to be high and the water flowing quite briskly and louder than I recall ever seeing those streams in the past.
Reaching the base of the mountain the group turned around and made our way back to our vehicles with time to spare.
Photos by shesse

Sat Nov 6
Hike report by Jim
Stevens Suspension Bridge, Cornell golf course and Cornell horse barns and fields, Forest Home
22 hikers and 5 dogs met on Forest Home Drive at Flat Rock for a hike of the Cayuga Trails system on the North side of Fall Creek: Ithaca Trails – Interactive Map
It was a crisp morning, with the first frost of the season welcoming us to our hike
Crossing the Stevenson Suspension bridge, we turned to the West, our feet crunching through the newly fallen frosty leaves.
The first section of trail was uneventful, and it wasn’t until we approached the short climb to the golf course that we ran into our first substantial muddy patch of trail that was only partially frozen over.
Arriving at the golf course we carefully navigated the perimeter of the greens so as to not damage the frosty fairway grasses.
Passing by the horse paddocks we walked to Piglet Corner Piglet Corner – Google Maps before turning around and re-entering the woods in the direction of Fall Creek. Walking Easterly along the ridge above the streambed we eventually took a connector trail down the slope. A quick hike in a Westerly direction soon brought us in a loop back to the suspension bridge, which we crossed over before taking the blue blazed trails in the South Natural area:
Ithaca Trails – Interactive Map
Those trails crossed over Forest Home Drive before running along the Arboretum property back to our parking area.
We arrived back to the cars a little bit early…..
Saturdays hike was a first hike with the group for Alyssa and Mike. We were happy to have them join us.
Photos by shesse

Photos by Cian

You can see Cian’s complete photo album here
Sun Nov 7
Hike report by Nancy L
Fillmore Glen SP, Moravia
26 hikers and 4 dogs met at the Fillmore Glen parking lot on this crisp but clear Sunday morning. We started by climbing some steep rock stairs up to the start of the Gorge trail. The cascades were beautiful from the trail and from the 8 bridges that crossed back and forth over the Glen. The footing was at times treacherous with melting ice and puddles especially on the parts of the trail with a wavy slate bed. After completing the gorge trail we continued up the north side of the Glen to the north rim trail. We soon came to a side trail that afforded another beautiful view. Returning to the rim trail it was not a very long way to the dam where we crossed the Glen to one of several leantos. We followed a gravel road on the south rim a short way to where we could access the gorge trail again. It was great to see the cascades from another angle. When we reached the bottom of the stone stairs again we made the short walk over to the “cowshed’ falls which still features an overhanging rock roof which is apparently not nearly as overhanging as it once was. Afterwards some of us met for refreshments at the very pleasant Summerhill brewery where we were able to sit outside in the sun while we refreshed
Photos by Randy/Nancy

You can see their complete photo album here
Photos by Cian

You can see Cian’s complete photo album here