Wednesday, December 25
Stevens Suspension Bridge – Cornell natural areas
Hike report by Jim
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Ithaca Hikers!
Four hikers met on a snowy Christmas Day morning at Flat Rock in the Forest Home neighborhood, for a “loop-ish” hike of parts of the Cayuga Trail and Cornell Natural Land trails. This is hike # 4A on our list of regular hike locations:
After crossing the Stevens suspension bridge the group turned westerly, following the Cayuga Trail along the northerly shore of Fall Creek until we reached the golf course. Looping around the edge of the golf course we returned to the trail system, following the fenceline of the horse pastures with the woods on one side of us and the sloping hills above Fall Creek on the other side of us. With the leaves off the trees and the fresh layer of snow on the ground it was a beautiful morning. Most of this section of the hike we had been preceded by only a few skiers and walkers, so the trail was not terribly beaten down or slippery.
Eventually we reached the orange blazed trail, descending from the high bluffs to creek level. We followed that trail back to the suspension bridge.
Once across the bridge we turned left onto the blue and red blazed trails which now followed the southerly shore of Fall Creek. The group hiked those trails until we came to Forest Home Drive, which we crossed and entered Park Park. Once in Park Park we hiked the yellow blazed trail to the overlook area above Varna.
The hikers left Park Park and returned to our cars via the red and blue blazed trails.
Welcome to Dani on her first hike with the Ithaca Hikers!

Saturday, December 28
Cayuga Trail from Freese Rd., Ithaca
Hike report by Jim
Twenty-eight hikers and two dogs met in the community gardens parking lot on Freese Rd in the Town of Dryden, for an out-and-back hike of part of the Cayuga Trail. This is hike # 5-3 on our list of regular hike locations:
There was a slight chilly breeze, and the sun was making short appearances as hikers arrived at the trailhead. The footpath was covered by a slushy layer of snow over much of our route this morning. Stream crossings had a layer of ice, and the ascents and descents that had the rope assists available were most welcome.
The group made it almost to the Cornell outdoor pavilion before turning around and re-tracing our route back to the cars.

Sunday, December 29
Potato Hill State Forest, Caroline
Hike report by Jim
Twelve hikers and two dogs met on Level Green Rd in the Town of Caroline, for an out and back hike of the FLT through Potato Hill State Forest towards and beyond Blackman Hill Rd. This is hike# 29-1 on our list of regular hike locations: This section of the FLT is on map sheet M18, which is available for purchase in paper or electronic formats at:…/purchase-individual-maps/. Purchase of the map sheets helps to defray on-going costs associated with trail maintenance.
The weather forecast called for rain today, but thankfully the rain came early before arriving at the trailhead and never reappeared during the hike. The entirety of the hike was done in dense fog that gave a very spooky and atmospheric feeling to the hike.
Snow depth on the trail was at best a couple of very slushy inches. The various mudholes along the route were filled with several inches of ice-covered water, and the mud was, well, it was mud. Self-explanatory on that issue.
The outgoing leg of the hike was uneventful. I ended up dealing with some hike leading issues on the phone during the hike, leaving the group to fend for themselves for the remainder of the outbound leg of the hike as I tried to catch up with them from behind.
Reaching and crossing Blackman Hill Rd, the FLT enters the Summerland Farm Preserve. The preserve is notable during good weather for the excellent views from its open fields. Today, there were no views, other than the all-enveloping fog. By the time I reached the stone wall and bench in the main field, the rest of the group had reached their turn-around point and met me at the bench.
The return leg of the hike was uneventful. It was mostly downhill, although the outbound leg could hardly be called ” uphill” except in the most moderate of ways. We got back to the cars a few minutes earlier than planned, but overall it was an excellent hike.