Wednesday, January 15
Six Mile Creek, Mulholland Wildflower Preserve and Businessman’s Lunch, Ithaca
Hike report by Jim
Sixteen hikers and two dogs met in the parking lot of the Mullholland wildflower preserve off Giles Street, on a chilly, wind-whipped morning, for a hike of area trails. This is hike # 1 on our list of frequent hike locations:
The hikers set off into the Wildflower Preserve, the footpath not straying far from Six Mile Creek for much of the first part of the hike. There are a couple of spots along the route where the footpath veers away slightly from the Creek, but it is never far from the hikers view or hearing.
A few minutes into the hike we stopped for a group photo, the ice hanging on the rock cliff faces on the opposite side of the creek behind the hikers.
Continuing onwards, we soon turned and began climbing the hill towards the access road to second dam. Before reaching the road, we turned onto the blue blazed footpath that clings to the side of the hill as it leads hikers towards second dam. There are a couple of tricky spots along this section of trail, including a stream crossing that today was a solidly encased sheet of ice above and below the point where the path crosses. I didn’t get a photo of that point, but I do know that some other hikers paused long enough to snap some photos. Hopefully they are willing to share those pictures here on Facebook.
This path merges with the dam access road very near second dam itself. The group continued on to the overlook area above the second dam reservoir. After a few minutes there we reversed course, walking back towards Giles Street on the access road until we reached the turn that leads back to the lower trail system.
The hikers walked back to the parking lot, where some of the hikers opted to leave the hike early. The rest of the hikers followed me to Giles Street where we turned left, crossed the bridge and turned right onto the blue blazed trail leading down to the base of Wells Falls.
While crossing the bridge I noticed that the bottom of the upper trail that leads to the cascades immediately under the bridge seemed to be too iced over to navigate safely, as many people in the group had neither trekking poles nor foot traction. Given that, I chose to skip the upper trail loop entirely and walk the group to the lower Wells Falls area, where the group stopped to admire the very active falls, the massive wall of ice on the opposite cliff face, etc.
After a few minutes the group retraced our route back to Giles Street and our cars.
We ended the hike a few minutes early due to the last-minute route change, but I don’t think that anyone minded.
Warm welcome to new hikers Rick B, Bonney and their canine hiking companion Ziggy, on their first hike with the group!
Saturday, January 18
Red Mill Road, Hile School Road and West Malloryville Road, West Malloryville
Hike report by Jim
Twenty-seven hikers and five dogs met in the Town of Dryden at the O.D von Engeln parking lot, for a road walk of area roads. This is hike # 57-7 on our list of hike locations: The group hasn’t done this particular road walk in several years, but with the return of traditional winter weather in recent weeks I have decided to revisit this location today.
The open fields along today’s hike route did little to stop the intermittent winds that battered the group. The long-distance views across the valley in most directions along the route were good for the most part, although a bit hazy in some directions, probably thanks to the snow that started shortly after the hike concluded.
Leaving the parking area with Leigh Ann leading the group, the hikers walked down West Malloryville Rd to Red Mill Rd, soon assuming a very elongated line of pedestrians along the roads shoulder into the distance. We walked past the Beck Farm fields and buildings to Fall Creek Rd. The bridge here was closed for many years but was replaced within the last few years. Reversing course, the hikers walked back up Red Mill Rd to the junction with Hile School Rd. The hikers turned onto Hile School Rd, crossed Ed Hill Rd and continued on Hile School Rd until it was time to turn around.
Returning to Red Mill Rd the group hiked back towards West Malloryville Rd. Some hikers chose to return immediately to their cars to leave, while other continued on Red Mill Rd to use up some additional hike time.
Today’s hike included new hikers Joel, Christine, Gil, Tony and Anna. Welcome to all of you and hope to see you on future hikes!

Sunday, January 19
Arnot Teaching Forest, Newfield
Hike report by Jim
Twenty-one hikers and three dogs met at the north gate of the Arnot Teaching Forest in the Town of Newfield for an out-and-back hike of the roads within the teaching forest. This is hike # 52 on our list of regular hike locations:
Hikers found the first segment of the road from the north gate to be plowed, probably due to some logging that’s taking place within the forest. After making the first turn we found the middle section of the hike to be unplowed but only a few inches of snow that were easily hike-able due to some vehicle tracks. The final segment of the hike found the hikers breaking trail through the few inches of snow on the road. Leigh Ann, leading the faster group of hikers, reported that they had reached our usual turn-around point of some ponds along the road before her group turned around to return to the trailhead.
There was a minor but steady snowfall throughout most of our hike. A couple of places along the road early in the hike provide a good view across the valley in good weather. Today, the views were obscured due to the snowfall.
If anyone in the group lost a red handkerchief during the hike, that was recovered from the road and can be returned to you.