Report to Hikers: week of May 9-May 15


Hello Hikers!


Wednesday May 11

Road walk NW of Perry City

Perry City road walk 001Bower Road at Burr Road, Schuyler County  —  farm country!

Perry City road walk 129Absolutely perfect May morning  —  one hiker who knows birds said the fields and meadows were full of bobolinks

Perry City road walk 076The stretch of Bower we walked on had just been wetted down by a highway truck  —  delightful touch of freshness  —  otherwise, dusty!

Perry City road walk 028One micro-burst of excitement, while we were waiting to start  —  huge milk tanker truck passed in a cloud of dust  —  otherwise, no traffic at all

Perry City road walk 123This hike was conceived by our nature photographer Jack V, who lives a few miles away from this corner on Grove Road.  Best road walk we’ve done so far, IMO

Perry City road walk 054Official head count:  18 hikers, three dogs

More photos online:



Jack V



Saturday May 14

Stevens Suspension Bridge, Cornell golf course, Cornell horse barns and Park Park

R0096564_editedAnother gorgeous green morning

R0096590_editedR0096602_editedR0096618_editedR0096636_editedR0096667_editedR0096673_editedR0096692_editedOfficial head count:  16H, five D

More photos online by Jack V here



Sunday May 15

Hammond Hill SF, Dryden

Aviary Photo_131078636247306910Lovely dark cool morning, a little breezy  —   even a few flakes of snow!

Aviary Photo_131078635208717009Aviary Photo_131078634411794445Aviary Photo_131078621269586934Aviary Photo_131078633680328076Aviary Photo_131078631553935897Official head count:  22H, fiveD (not everyone shown here)

Check out Jack V’s photos online here